What is it?
Our unique virtual diagnostic assists you in embedding a sustainable high-performance culture within your organisation. Our quantitative and qualitative analytics help you to understand the performance directions across your business.
We highlight trends, strengths and development areas in your culture, providing you with all the signalling needed for your journey to sustainable performance improvement.
This is not another engagement survey!
We go beyond engagement, taking the next step to identify the ‘why’ behind your engagement results, uncovering the clues and answers within your operating culture.
How does it work?
The engaging and user-friendly online assessment poses simple questions under the Five Pillars of High-Performance, to gain a rounded view of the current performance experience within your organisation. It’s quick to complete and responses remain anonymous, encouraging open and honest feedback from your people.
We don’t believe in cumbersome and dry reporting, only rich and actionable data. We identify and share aspects of your performance culture that are already strong and worth defending, as well as aspects that would benefit from development. All supported by a comprehensive and reader-friendly evaluation as well as proposed next steps to take in the evolution of your high-performance team.
“The value of offering our team the opportunity to feed into our culture and values and inform the decisions we will take in this critical area of the business has been invaluable. It underpins our approach as a leadership team and has given us the tools we need to take further positive steps forward.”
Dave Coull, Managing Director, Stage Electrics
Not convinced?
A Columbia University study highlights that a high-performance culture increases employee engagement, productivity and retention. Similarly, McKinsey’s Organisational Health Index demonstrates that organisations applying focus on both team performance (output) AND team health (input) are more successful and deliver better financial results.
Ready to Learn More?
Download our Cultural Performance Analysis guide to learn exactly what ICC has to offer your organisation and how it all works!
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